Need to save time and energy? Opt for a quick, virtual visit.

Virtual Visit, Quality Care
Brio Primary Care Televisits let you conveniently access quality healthcare from the comfort of home. Our secure, virtual appointments allow you to conveniently receive care for select issues like cold and flu, sore throat, weight management, anxiety and depression. Televisits are also an excellent way to follow up on lab results, issue handicap placards, and discuss medication needs without leaving home.
To schedule, click below, use the Live Chat, or call 864.603.5600.
What to Know About Your Televisit
Before your appointment, we will send you an email and text message with a Televisit link. At the time of your appointment, you can follow the link to a virtual waiting room. You and your Provider will review your medical history, discuss your current symptoms and needs, and create a personalized treatment plan ensuring you receive the same high quality care you receive on site.
Televisits are Great For:
Televisit links are only valid at the time of appointment. Please avoid logging on earlier than scheduled, as it may cause technical difficulties.
To schedule, click below, use the Live Chat, or call 864.603.5600.